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Need a dependable Airport Taxi in Molen any time of day or night? Our reliable 24/7 Flughafentaxi sorgt für schnellen, sicheren und günstigen Transport. Mit erfahrenen Fahrern und Echtzeit-Tracking sind Sie immer in guten Händen. Buchen Sie jetzt für reibungsloses Reisen – überall und jederzeit. Erleben Sie unübertroffene Zuverlässigkeit und Komfort mit unserem erstklassigen Service!

Stress-Free Airport Transfers: Molen Airport Taxi Service to Brussels Airport
Experience stress-free airport transfers with our Molen Airport Taxi service to Brussels Airport. We offer reliable, comfortable rides with professional drivers available 24/7. Avoid parking hassles and arrive relaxed and on time. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your transfer is handled with care and efficiency. Jetzt buchen für ein nahtloses Reiseerlebnis!
Über Molen
Molen is a coastal geopark in the Brunlanes Place of Larvik Municipality in Vestfold county, Norway. The park is Norway’s largest seashore made stirring of rolling stones. It is a portion of Vestfoldraet, the terrain left in back after the terminate of the most recent ice age concerning 10,000 years ago. Mølen is one of Larvik’s most popular tourist attractions. It is home to exceeding a hundred types of rock, including Norway’s national stone, Larvikit, das nach dieser Gegend benannt ist.
The wind and sea have lashed the landscape of Mølen for thousands of years, and the place takes its post from the Old Norse word “mol”, meaning a rock mound or bank of stones.
Mølen first normal protected status in 1939 due to its ancient burial mounds. Mølen is home to greater than 230 cairns, some higher than 35 metres (115 ft) in diameter. Excavations have old-fashioned the cairns to the Bronze Age 900-600 BCE. The cairns have been purchased and acquired by the University Museum of National Antiquities.
Mølen normal a extra protection status in 1970 due its rich and unfamiliar avifauna. Mølen is a residence for a variety of rare bird species. Between 316 and 320 species of natural world have been recorded at Mølen, more species than at any other site in Norway.
2008 wurde er zum ersten UNESCO Global Geopark in den nordischen Ländern.