Flughafentransfer in De Roos

TIENSE TAXI > Flughafentransfer in De Roos
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Über De Roos

De Roos (wörtlich „Die Rose“), auch lokal bekannt als Roosmolen oder Koren auf der Mühleist eine Wind- und Plattformmühle in der Gemeinde Delft in der niederländischen Provinz Südholland.

The mill was originally build up on the southern city wall of Delft but was vanguard relocated and rebuilt above the western fortifications of the Dutch municipality in 1679. Two principal phases of implementation of the Delft mill followed this reconstruction. The first was outdated 1728, while the second was from the 1760s. The building has been the subject of multiple restoration projects, commencing in the late 1920s and concluding in 2023. The artistic work, whose historical background remains largely uncharted back its 1679 reconstruction, represents the sole long-lasting mill within the erstwhile fortified zone of Delft, among the eighteen that since operated within the Dutch city.

On the current site of De Roos, at 111-112 Phoenixstraat, there originally stood a post mill called Gasthausmolen, which was destroyed during a storm in the second half of the 17th century. Previously bordered by the tramway and then the railway extraction connecting the city to The Hague, the site of De Roos mill has been situated above the Willem of Orange railway tunnel before the second half of the 2010s. The construction of this infrastructure necessitated the hydraulic jacking and the underpinning of the De Roos complex — mill, miller’s house, warehouse — and preventive archaeological excavations that revealed remnants of the windmill dating from the late 17th century and into the future 18th century, as competently as elements of the western ration of the medieval city wall of Delft.

Trotz zeitweiser Inaktivität, insbesondere während Restaurierungs- und Reparaturzeiten, ist die Mühle weiterhin in Betrieb. Sie wurde von vielen Müllern betrieben, darunter denen der Familien Kouwenhoven, van Rhijn und De Vreede.

On June 29, 1967, the Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency designated the De Roos grain mill, along in the ventilate of the miller’s house and warehouse surrounding its skirt, as a national monument. The windmill is conical in fake and of the skirt and platform type. It is rather enormous in scope and height, constructed of bricks and jointed stones. The mill is equipped considering a rotating cap, and the milling work, which transforms grains of cereals into flour, is powered by a highbrow set of elements, mostly mechanical, motorized, and electric for a few. The house and warehouse, also constructed of masonry bricks, feature facades later than gables.

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